Events, events, a name change and more events

Events, events, a name change and more events

It's been a bustling couple of months in our little world of game development and art. Annemieke has been busy designing, building and running a booth at various consumer events. We presented the demo of our game in front of a large audience and we decided to change the name of our game.

Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! (Brownie points if you know the movie.)

It's been a bustling couple of months in our little world of game development and art. Annemieke has taken a deep dive into the mysterious art of running a booth at consumer events. Her Blue Fern Arts banner was proudly displayed at events the likes of...

Comic Con Brussels Comic Con Brussels


Comic Con Holland Comic Con Holland

and Mysteria Mysteria

It was an astounding success, especially since this was her first foray into running a booth. She had considerable sales, fun conversations with visitors, and many people even showed interest in the little promotions material she had about our game... And food. There was lots of good food at the events. 😄

In the long run, she plans to have more promotional material for our game. She would have two handheld devices at her booth on which customers can play our demo. She would also have a screen behind her that shows a looping trailer or a mirror of what is displayed on one of the two handhelds. (Thank you Robby Bisschop @ Pirate PR for that wonderful suggestion.)

Do you have any other cool ideas for her booth? Let us know on our discord.

Also, in the future, we're considering making a video detailing her booth and the business side of running a booth. Is that something that would interest you?

Want to come visit Annemieke yourself at an upcoming event? She will be present as an exhibitor at the following events

In other news...

We were invited to showcase our prototype at Indie Game Salon Returns. It was an amazing event, full of hobbyist and professional game developers. We received useful feedback, were inspired by the other games on display and we even made some new friends.

Presentation picture 1 Presentation picture 3 Presentation picture 4

This was the second time time we presented our game at such an event. The first time was Meet 'N Build in Charleroi.

Presentation picture 5

We have also decided to change the name of our game from Strom: Svamp's Journey to Strom Peregrine. The reason was that we often received the comment that Strom: Svamp's Journey was too long, confusing and hard to remember. We thought long and hard and decided that "peregrine" is the ideal name for our project.

Peregrine definition

Peregrine is defined, according to merriam-webster, as "Having a tendency to wander". Other dictionaries also define it as "alien" or "foreign". In our game, you play as Svamp, a young fungus who seeks a new home by visiting different insect colonies. Sadly, this is not an easy task, as he doesn't seem to fit in anywhere. You see how peregrine is an apt description of Svamp's fate.
Additionally, "peregrine" is most commonly associated with the peregrine falcon. This is not directly related to our game, but the additional association with nature is a welcome one.

We would have loved to simply call our game Peregrine. Sadly, there already exists a game called Peregrine. Therefore, we decided to maintain the word Strom in the title. Strom is the Czech word for tree. In the game, the tree in which most insects live is also called Strom.

What do you think of the new title? Do you have suggestions for a different title? Let us know!

Lastly, I am working on a very exciting project that will be announced soon. It involves something that we all love so very dearly: data. Lots and lots of data.

We wish you all a very pleasant week and till next time.